I have over 30 years acting as counsel for both injured claimants and for insurers as defence counsel, on both tort and accident benefits claims.
I am available to act as legal counsel and for agency work on behalf of other lawyers and firms, including acting as trial counsel, and acting as agent on motions, appeals, set-date appearances and for examinations for discovery.
For trial matters, fees are either on a contingency basis for appropriate cases or on a fixed basis. A reasonable fee for reviewing and assessing the file will be charged, but this will be applied toward the trial fee, if retained.
For other agency matters, fees can be arranged on both an hourly basis or as a fixed fee, depending on the nature of the matter. My general hourly rate is $400.00. Examples of fixed rates includes:
Examination for Discovery (full-day, including preparation time and reporting) – $1,500.00 plus HST
Motions / Appeals (full-day, including preparation time and reporting) – $2,000.00 plus HST
Arbitrations and other administrative hearings – $2,500.00 plus HST per day
Set-date appearance / Trial Scheduling Court – $500.00 plus HST
Reasonable disbursements will also be charged, including travel and/or accommodations (if necessary) for out-of-town matters.
Contact me for specific rates and for my availability.